Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh may spin miracles
India is increasingly seen as a source of value-added goods and services and an important business partner, the UK India Business Council (UKIBC), which promotes trade between the two countries said in a report released here.
The report, "Emerging Cities of India", identifies Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh and Jaipur as the top four emerging cities followed by Vadodara, Goa, Indore, Kochi and Nagpur.
While India's urban giants may dominate the business agenda in the short-term due to the sheer size of their human capital clusters...We believe it is the country's lesser known small towns and cities that are more likely to produce the economic miracles.
Labels: Business Growth, Business Ideas, Business Tips, Indian Business, Indian Market, International Market, Pune Business
Tips to grow your business
Finding new customers is an expensive business which is why it pays to invest in hanging onto your existing clients. Good service can also give small companies a lead over their bigger rivals. Great service can do wonders for your business.
Research shows that businesses spend six times as much on recruiting a new customer as they do on retaining an existing one. Every business - no matter how small - should have a strategy for dealing with customers. Listening to customers can help in all areas of your business from developing new products to finding out more about your competitors.
- Decide how and when to communicate with customers - by newsletter, telephone, e-mail or questionnaire, at point of sale or delivery, or as a post-sale follow-up;
- Encourage staff to record feedback from customers;
- Keep talking to your customers - their opinions will alter over time;
- Tell customers of any important changes that will affect them. If you warn them of a possible problem in advance they will be able to adapt more easily.
According to the Government's Small Business Service some of the things customers find most annoying include:
- Talking to a recorded telephone message, being held in a queue or paying premium rates for advice;
- Having their consumer rights ignored - such as being refused a refund for faulty goods;
- Bureaucracy;
- Rude or over-friendly staff - both are equally irritating;
- Staff who refuse to tell you their name;
- Broken promises;
- Inflexible delivery times.
Let staff take control
Have a measurable standard of service and make sure that staff work towards it. Invest in training so that everyone is aware of the importance of customer care. Remind staff to put themselves in the customer's shoes: would you like someone you've just met to call you by your first name, how would you feel if your order went missing?
Encourage employees to use their initiative and let the rest of the business know when something has worked well - or if it hasn't. Taking immediate action - for example sending a disgruntled customer a bottle of champagne - can prove more cost-effective than waiting to write them a formal letterLabels: Business Growth, Business Ideas, Business Tips, Customers, International Market, Marketing, Sales
Reliability is good for fashion business

Russia is still among the countries that look forward to a bright future based on the economic forecasts. Russia experts agree:Anyone wishing to benefit from tomorrow's economic upswing should lay the fundamentals for his business today. With their first participation at the 13th CPM – Collection Première Moscow, the German premium label Marc Cain delivers a clear statement to the Russian market: 'Marc Cain is betting on markets with potential," explains Distribution Director Norbert Lock. "While we do already have numerous customers in Russia, it is a good time to expand our customer base. We are swimming against the current. Russia remains an important market and CPM is an ideal platform for presenting our label and reaching out to new customers from across the country."
Labels: Business Growth, Business Ideas, Customers, fashion business, International Market, Marketing, Sales
Business ideas in recession market

To start a new home business at this period of time is really a risk factor and very scary but at least you should have a back up plan like home business so all of the sudden if you loose the job then you have the option of home business.
Here, I am providing you 5 relatively plan for money making home business. I am not sure whether these ideas will give you the profit or not but according to me these are the best possible choices. And the 5 ideas are as follows:
- 1. Internet Marketing Services
- 2. Home Staging Home Business
- 3. Medical Billing
- 4. Virtual Assistant
- 5. eBay Trading Assistant
2. Home Staging Home Business : It's a very low cost business. You don't have to spend lot for that. All you need is to learn or gather information about interior designing on the weekends. Then you can be a good Interior designer. This buiness is more useful for the females than males. Who knows, if this business grow rapidly then you will be decison maker whether you should continue your present job or not. Real estate agents & houose lenders may also be very useful contacts for anyone who are engaged in this kind of recession resistant home business.

3. Medical Billing : I think that it would be very promising if you chose medical billing career. You have the option of both either as a home business or as a work from home medical billing job. In a poor economy situation, lots of medical providers still looking for handling their billing details & health care. This is where you have the potential to make huge money.
4. Virtual Assistant : The Virtual Assistant is known as VA industry. It's a industry which is growing very fast and it's becoming a useful for those who want to run their own new home business.
5. eBay Trading Assistant : eBay Trading Assistants help hundred of people to sell their items at ebay and earn a lot. You can also sell the unused items at your home. Just simply visit the site and login with your name and bank details. You can also sell those items which are found only at your place.
Hope you liked my 5 ideas. if you have also some ideas to share then you can share it throgh your comments.
Labels: BPO services, Business Ideas, Marketing
Tech Mahindra opens BPO services in Kolkata

Though, Tech Mahendra already running theier BPO centers in Noida, Pune, Chandigarh and Chennai. Kolkata is the new name in the list. Tech Mahindra President Sujit Baksi has informed media reporters that they are keen to expand their business in Eastern India. At the initial stage, Tech Mahendra will primarily work for Relaince Communication then they will also start work for other clients too.
Labels: BPO, BPO services, Kolkata BPO, Pune Business, Reliance, Tech Mahendra BPO
What is BPO?

BPO comes under the category of back office outsourcing. Back office outsourcing concludes many things like internal business functions and it can be anything like human resources or finance and accounting, and front office outsourcing. If a Business process outsourcing (BPO) is fixed to serve in the outside a company's country then it is called as offshore outsourcing. But if the BPO projects is contracted to a firm neighboring nation then it is known as near shore outsourcing.
BPO industry comes under the information technology industry. You must have heard the terms like Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) and legal process outsourcing (LPO) and let me inform you that these are some of the sub-segments of BPO (business process outsourcing) industry.
BPO Revenue:
If any country has taken the advantage of BPO Industry then that is India. India has revenues of around 11 billion US Dollar from offshore BPO. Not only that, India has also revenues of 30 billion US Dollar and it comes from the sector of IT (Information and Technology). There are many cities in India which are getting benefit of BPO sector but the main centers in India are Bangalore, Kolkata (specially Salt Lake & Rajarhat IT park Area), Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Noida, Gurgaon and New Delhi. India is still doing well because the figure show that India has done well even in this recession market.
BPO Benefits:
BPO has many benefits but the one of the most important advantages of BPO sector is the way in which it has helped to increase a company’s flexibility.
Labels: BPO, BPO services, Kolkata BPO, KPO, Pune Business, Tech Mahendra BPO